Andrew’s Story

Whether at home in DC or traveling around the globe, I love to get up early and catch the sun peeking out. Each sunrise holds poetic promise for a new day to discover and boldly walk in God’s calling for my life. As a child, seeing the sun rise above the rocky Rhode Island coastline left an imprint on my soul.  As a community of believers gathered for Easter sunrise, I basked in the sunlight on my skin and entered into the hope of the risen Christ.

Initially, travel revolved around my globe-trotting scientist Dad and my cross-cultural English Mum. Confronted by the injustices of global poverty as a youth, I vowed to make a difference. Having completed a B.S. in Foreign Service from Georgetown University, I set out to Sénégal with the Peace Corps and stayed on with the U.S. Agency for International Development

The next chapter of my career journey focused on facilitating organizational change as part of creative group processes. This began with a M.S. in Organization Development from American University and subsequent M.A. in Human Development from Fielding Graduate University. While living in New York City, I consulted with IBM’s Change Management Practice and nurtured my creativity through writing poetry and taking photographs. Seeking to integrate OD and international development, I joined World Vision in 1999.  Since then, I have facilitated change at individual, team and organizational levels around the world while based in the U.S., Sénégal and Kenya.

On the home front, Sharon and I met at World Vision, and so began our adventure together! Our sons Joel and Josh joined the journey in Washington State and Sénégal. Since 2010, we have lived in Capitol Hill. 

The current chapter of my story is emerging. During my re-entry to the U.S., I sensed a void. I desired to connect with and impact leaders called to make a difference in the world, yet I felt bound to my keyboard. Then I discovered coaching as a complement to facilitation. In 2012, I began my coaching practice after completing a Certificate in Leadership Coaching with Georgetown University.

I am currently a Professional Certified Coach and Mentor Coach with the International Coaching Federation as well as a member of the ICF DC Chapter. To inform leadership growth and teambuilding, I use the Leadership Circle Profile 360 as part of coaching engagements. I also train and mentor coaches to nurture their unique gifting while fulfilling ICF credential requirements. Presently, I integrate coaching as part of my global role with World Vision while phasing in Rising Sun Coaching.  Based in my garden office, I am committed to encourage and enable the growth of my clients for a new day.

Rising Sun Coaching is woven into the fabric of our lives. Sharon and I are on a path of discovering and living out our calling – as a wellspring for pouring into the lives of others. We seek to nurture an ever dynamic, growing, loving and faith-building partnership; we seek to parent our young adult sons; we seek to impact people God brings our way; we seek to be active in our local church; and we seek to be good local and global citizens. 

This exciting venture inspires me to commit to three daily practices: TURN towards the rising sun, God’s gift of a new day; WALK in my unique calling each day; and DANCE in the moment in child-like faith and joy.

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