Refreshed Humanitarians

Group Coaching

Are you a humanitarian who is living out your calling to make a difference in the world?

Do you resonate with Jesus’ invitation to offer a cold cup of water to people on your path?

Having journeyed quite far, are you at times weary, discouraged and overwhelmed?

Are you seeking a peaceful space to be refreshed – just minutes away from Washington D.C.’s hustle and bustle?

Welcome to Refreshed Humanitarians!

Through group coaching with 6-8 fellow humanitarions in the National Arboretum, you will:

  • Renew your calling

  • Chart a fresh path forward

  • Connect with people who walk with you on your journey

  • Create and live out sustaining practices

  • Restore your body, mind and spirit as you commune with nature

Each session will involve time for individual reflection and group discussion. There will be a mix of short walks and gathering in various spaces (e.g., pavilons, benches and mats).

Whether you’re in non-profit, for-profit or government work, the world needs a refreshed you!

Being in nature is good for us

Japanese researchers pioneered the practice of inviting those living in high stress urban areas to periodically spend time in forests to restore mental equilibrium and physical health.

Group coaching in nature is an invitation to be away from city life and refresh our thinking and very souls in the great outdoors. This opens up new vistas for renewal and creativity - forging new paths as part of our daily lives.

In 2025, join us on Saturday mornings 8-10 am

  • Destination

    Session 1-March 15

    Who are you seeking to become? What do you want to leave behind in the world? At the end of your life, imagine that you hear the Lord say to you - “Well done, good and faithful servant”!

  • Path

    Session 2-March 29

    How do you chart your path amidst a myriad of choices? How do you hear that still small voice in a noisy, complex and insecure world hemming you in?

  • Companions

    Session 3-April 12

    How do we refresh one another as we gather in nature? What new perspectives, inspiration and encouragement do we walk away with? In our daily life, how do we engage companions on our journey?

  • Provisions

    Session 4-April 26

    What resources will support your onward journey? What daily practices will nourish your soul? How will you commune with nature to restore your body, mind and spirit?

  • Vista

    Session 5-May 3

    Now it is time to go to a high place. Look back at where you’ve come on your journey. Look at God’s glorious face shining down on you like the rays of sun. Look forward to fruitful years ahead of you…

Your guide on the journey

I would be love to be your guide! When I facilitate groups around the globe, I often get up to witness the sunrise before a session begins. Communing with the Creator, I’m able to turn from the darkness within and around me - and embrace the hope of a new day. This refreshes my calling to be a Barnabas to those serving humankind. When back home in D.C., I’m often the first to enter the gates of the Arboretum and soak up the rays as they break through the forest. I would be delighted to welcome you and fellow humanitarians on a journey of renewal so that we can better live out our calling in the world.

What’s included:

  • Guided centering together to relax and renew amidst the beauty of nature.

  • Individual nature centering practices in your own “peaceful patch” near you.

  • Gaining insights to refresh your path through coaching and peer support.

  • Sharing learning and celebrations to encourage and inspire one another.

  • Individual coaching journal to capture your learning and commitments.

  • Ongoing group connections after the formal program ends to encourage our onward journeys.

Bonus: A 60-90 minute 1-on-1 coaching session that takes place at your “peaceful patch” or favorite nature spot in the DMV.


Are you ready to invest in refreshing your calling? To set up your free 20 minute exploratory session with Andrew.

“Blessed are those who trust in the Lord, whose trust is the Lord. They shall be like a tree planted by water, sending out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes, and its leaves shall stay green; in the year of drought it is not anxious, and it does not cease to bear fruit.”

— Jeremiah 17:7-8