Strong Tower Sunrise Reflection

by Andrew Simpson with music arranged by Luke Owsley

Take a few minute to embrace a place of safety in God’s presence by listening to or reading this reflection.

Imagine that you wake up in a beautiful fortress. As you open your eyes, notice the faint outline of your stone sanctuary - fresh brush strokes of orange painted on ancient rocks. Blinking like a new born, your pupils adjust to the gentle hues of dawn. While the moments pass, notice the layering of light on the ceiling, walls and your thick down comforter.

As you emerge from sleep, bask in morning’s warm embrace. Snuggle up in your fluffy duvet. Enjoy the lavish luxury of simply being. A human - being.

Nestled there, take a moment to receive the gift of being alive. Loved for who you are. A cherished child of God. Accepted and safe. Breathe in God’s love and breathe out your gratitude for this new day. In, out…in, out…in, out.

From your silent sanctuary, listen to the faint squawking of seagulls. As you go outside, notice one gull perched atop the bell tower – presiding over the unfolding new day. Linger quietly in the presence of your companion – beholding together the wonder of dawn.

Inching your way to the wall, look down at the sun peeking out over the bay. Notice how the rays glisten on the sea in broad, bold stokes of gold. Moment by moment, deep dark blue gives way to the light of day. Stone walls wake up as the window shades of night are lifted.

Notice the illuminated pathway along the ramparts inviting you to explore. As you take your first step, feel the lightness of your stride against the solid stone. Bounce from step to step along the staircase to the sea.

Finally, you arrive at the fortress gate and look out at the horizon. Notice that much of the water has receded – leaving open space for you to explore. Venturing out, feel the wet sand under your feet. As you hesitantly take each step, observe the ground move below you.

Take a moment to bring to mind what is like wet sand in your life. Perhaps your plans are muddy. Perhaps relationships are not on solid footing. Perhaps you are tentative about an issue. Perhaps your heart is unsettled. Name anything that is unsure in your life…

As these thoughts engulf you, bells ring out and command your attention. Turn back to the towering fortress above - saturated in dawn’s light. Listen to the bells beckon and usher you upward…

In the hush that follows, notice the Strong Tower calling out to you. A pilgrim on a journey. Seeking solid ground. On a quest for a place of care and safety.

As you dash up the steps, feel your heart beat with excitement. Notice the rhythm of your breathing while listening to this song from Proverbs:

The name of the Lord is a Strong Tower

The righteous run into it

And they are safe

The name of the Lord is a Strong Tower

The righteous run into it

And they are safe

Blessed be the name of the Lord

Blessed be the name of the Lord

Blessed be the name of the Lord

The Most High

Blessed be the name of the Lord

Blessed be the name of the Lord

Blessed be the name of the Lord

The Most High *

As you ascend ever higher, may you continue your day in the safety and care of God’s presence…

* Adapted from the song written by Clinton Utterback, 1988


Images from around the globe


Sunflowers of Ukraine